The Boob Blog

A people’s blog for breast cancer support and awareness


Hey you boob lovers!

Instead of scary facts and statistics, here’s a post encouraging individuals to take back their love for life, despite their condition. Here are some self-care practices and why we encourage them as we celebrate breast cancer awareness month. 

What is self-care?       

As stated by perimeter health care, Self-care is a general term that describes everything you do deliberately for your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. It is the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health.  As simple as it sounds, many of us pay little attention to self-care.

Why practice self-care? What can it do for my condition?

Despite one’s condition, it is important to maintain a healthy relationship with one’s self. Learning to value the things that make you happy, offer some comfort or even relaxation or pleasure are important aspects of self-care. 

What Can I do to promote self-care?


Read your favorite book. Reading helps to stimulate the brain as well as our emotions. This form of entertainment can be a venture into another realm where all of worldly problems are non-existent in that moment. 


Take a selfie embracing your beauty. You are beautiful inside and out! No illness can cover that up!

Spend a day with loved ones. Some of the most comforting days can come from being around loved ones. But spending a day with those who bring you happiness and support is valuable. Many people don’t have the opportunity to spend time with the ones they love most, so you may need to make the opportunity happen.


Spa day to unwind ( facials, manis, pedis, massage at home or away). What better way to unwind than to let someone else pamper you for the day! 

Say no! You can say no to activities that you don’t want to participate in and that is completely fine. It feels good to say no! Say it with me; NO!


Get some sleep! Sleep deprivation can hinder one's physical and mental health. Research and studies have shown the benefits of sleep & how it puts the body at ease. We all need to be recharged!


Meditate for relaxation/yoga. This provides a sense of peace and balance during a time in your life that may seem uneasy 

Eat good food. Good food doesn’t mean unhealthy food! Try new cuisines, visit new restaurants, broaden your palate and eat healthy as well. A balanced diet is healthy and can make you feel good. 

Set small goals. Set attainable and realistic goals for yourself, offer some kind of reward for yourself after completion. It gives you something to look forward to. 

Here’s just a list of a few suggestions, but there are endless self-care activities that you can do to ensure your happiness, and overall well-being. Get to loving yourself in SPITE of your diagnosis! 

Post a comment with more self- care suggestions we may have forgot!



Josh Amidon